Resim Kodu: BR – 001.219
Bugün tam bir görsel ?ölen var : )
Sevgili Naz ?rlanda’da ya??yor, ailesi ise Ankara’da, damad?m?z ?rlanda’da ya??yor ancak frans?z, dü?ün davetleri ise ?rlanda’da gerçekle?ti. Çok ?ansl?y?m ki Naz bana bu zarif dü?ünün bir parças? olmam? sa?lad?. Daha da enteresan? dü?üne az kala davetin foto?raflar?n? çekecek olan ?rlandal? foto?raf sanatç?s? Lisa O’Dwyer beni buldu, Twitter‘dan tan??t?k, kayna?t?k.
Dü?ün sonras? Lisa bana dü?üne ait bu harika foto?raflar? gönderdi, ben de pek ço?unu elemeye k?yamayarak bloga neredeyse tamam?n? ekledim. O kada güzeller ki ! Bu sayede dü?ünde bulunmu? kadar oldum! ?rlanda’da ya??yorsan?z ve foto?rafç? ar?yorsan?z bu bu?ulu ve zarif foto?raflar?n mimar? Lisa O’Dwyer ile muhakkak tan??mal?s?n?z.
Bu süreçte en büyük ?ans?m san?r?m Naz’la beraber ortak korkular?m?z?n gerçek olmamas? ve arkada?lar? sayesinde hem cake topper’?n hem de kurabiyeli kavanozlar?n?n ?rlanda’ya kadar sa?lam ula?m?? olmas?.
Sevgili Lisa’ya foto?raflar için, Naz ve Lilian’a bana olan güvenleri için, Ankara’dan geldi?inde tan??ma f?rsat? buldu?um Naz’?n inan?lmaz zarif ve tatl? annesi Zehra Han?m’a da nezaketi için sonsuz te?ekkürler.
Ps. Dü?üne dair daha bol foto?raf ve Lisa’n?n yaz?s? için t?klay?n?z
Naz is living in Ireland, her family in Ankara ; the groom lives in Ireland but actually he is French, the wedding took place in Ireland. I’m so so lucky because Naz gave me the chance to be a part of her precious day. Another interesting thing is that a few days before the wedding, Lisa O ‘Dwyer; the wedding photographer, has found me on Twitter and we became twitter pals :0)
Few weeks after the wedding day, Lisa sent me many many pictures, and I couldn’t choose between them so decided to publish almost all of them :) They are so lovely! They made me feel like I was there. If you’re living in Ireland and are looking for a good wedding or event photographer I definitely would recommend you to meet Lisa O’Dwyer for her elegant work.
In addition Naz, […and I can include myself :).. ], were lucky to have such nice friends who carefully brought the cake topper and the wedding favors, little cookie bottles, safely to Ireland.
A special thank you to Lisa for all these lovely pictures, to Naz & Lilian for believing in me and to Naz’s mom Zehra for all her kindness.
And they lived happily ever after…
Ps. For more pictures and the Lisa’s blog post about the wedding please click here
Resim Kodu: BR – 001.218
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